Brazil – Yolanda and Mathilda of Vitrais Ton Geuer

January 26th, 2013

These wonderful women have followed the German traditions of their father in creating visual treats for the eye through art glass and mosaics. Mathilda and Yolanda’s father Ton came from Germany to establish his trade. Their father’s work has been written about in several books both on Brazil and in his home land.
Many artisans have been taught by this knowledgeable artist including his lovely daughters Mathilda and Yolanda. The designs that Yolanda creates are individual and unique. The utilization of sunlight creates a visual painting for all to behold. Each piece is hand drawn then computerized for exactness. Patterns are made and then once again the hand is used to finish off final details. Once the pattern is finished, glass is selected, cut and assembled with German precision. All the time wonderful Brazilian flora fauna abounds for inspiration.